In Puerto Natales, Patagonia

Best location in Puerto Natales

Beautiful Cabins for rent in Puerto Natales


Your basecamp to explore Torres del Paine National Park and surroundings!

Amanda Bulnes Cabin

Beautiful 38 square meter newly constructed cabin, located on the main avenue of Puerto Natales.

Spacious infrastructure with lots of natural light, ventilation, and a large garden.

Lodging includes a double bed, a pullout bed, private toilet, refrigerator and full kitchen, linens, WIFI and heating.

Daily cabin price: CLP$52.000 with breakfast included. Price is for two guests, CLP$10.000 for each additional guest

Rate posted is for two guests, breakfast included.

Sign up for two excursions with us and receive one free night stay (promotion valid for two guests).

Follow us at @cabanabulnes

Bruna Bulnes Cabin

Beautiful 32 square meter cabin, also located on the main avenue of Puerto Natales.

Spacious infrastructure with lots of natural light, ventilation, and a large garden. Includes a double bed, comfortable sofas, a refrigerator, full kitchen, private toilet, linens, WIFI and heating.

Daily cabin price: CLP$52.000 with breakfast included. Price is for two guests, CLP$10.000 for each additional guest

Rate posted is for two guests, breakfast included.

Sign up for two excursions with us and receive one free night stay (promotion valid for two guests).

Follow us at @cabanabulnes


Which cabin would you like to rent?

3 + 6 =

Into the Wild Patagonia

Puerto Natales, Magallanes Region, Chile

Phone number: +56 9 9679 7067 - email: